本次动物园半日游学得蒙多位带队老师全力协助与家长们多方位配合,让246位学生受益无穷。老师们与同学们脸上带着快乐的笑容踏入了动物园,课文里的一切活了过来,大家趁周末走出课室来上课,学生们拿着小册子东记一点西记一些,俨然像个小记者,站在解说牌前认真阅读认真观察,一会儿转过身问老师问题,一会儿好奇好动地东看西看,讨论声与嬉笑声充满了动物园许多个角落,师生脸上洋溢满满的笑意,真心体会师生同游共学的魅力。以下上传一些照片,还有一些用心学习的学生作品(将不定时更新),衷心希望各位同学能够把握好每一次的游学机会,像他们一样认真学习认真观察,才不辜负父母辛苦为你们打点老师认真带你们学习的一番心意。感谢家长们多方位配合。领队老师们,家长们,辛苦你们了,真心向你们致谢! 感恩!
*~Wilfred Chew Weng Yew :
Lawatan Ke Zoo Negara
*~Darren Khoo:"I was indeed very happy because I was with my best friend and we have taken many pictures. I also learnt about many animals, their names, their characters and also more knowledgeable now about animals. I hope I can visit to the Malaysia International Zoo again organized by the school. I am very thankful to teachers who brought us there.
I wish all the animals can go back to their home as I do not wish to see them to be locked up in the cage forever.
I also wish all the animals can have the freedom and to enjoy the nature."
*~Wilfred Chew Weng Yew :
"I was happy with my friends went to Malaysia International Zoo to visit many animals and gained lot of knowledge. I hope I will be with my friends to be able to visit the Malaysia International Zoo again."